Getting Your Story Straight
Why is the spread of innovation so hard? You know that feeling when you have done something great? You want everyone to know about it and do it. It’s so simple isn’t it – just tell others what you did, and they can copy it? You know that feeling when you find...
Behind the Scenes at the Podcast
In 2017 we were asked by NHS England London to develop some materials to help mental health organisations to support people when there is an investigation into a serious incident. The initial idea was to support the written materials with films, but when we started...
Space to be open
Two fundamentals of Open Space: passion and responsibility. Without passion, nobody is interested. Without responsibility, nothing will get done. I am often asked to facilitate large groups of people who need to reach a shared understanding of a challenge, decide...
I have been trying this with small groups and it’s proving to be a great way to start conversations about purpose, values, talents, creativity and personal brand.
Seven Steps to Great Groups
We often get asked about setting up service user/patient groups and networks to help with improvement. A group is one way to gain service experience insight and help with key decisions as part of improvement work.
It is time to focus on the “S” in NHS.
We have a National Health Service and like all service industries, success is all about people. For years, we have been talking about involvement, engagement, participation, co-design, co-development, patient experience, feedback, staff experience, staff engagement,...
Is it time to consider offering people payment for involvement and co-design activities?
For years there has been the expectation that people will give their time for free to help health organisations to make decisions about how to improve, what services to offer and whether they are offering a high quality service. We are now starting to have a split,...
Meet the man who could change the way you think about collecting and analysing patient stories
There is an increasing interest in patient stories as they are a fantastic way to engage both the people who use services and those who work in them. A story can capture key themes that people can immediately understand and relate to and personal stories can help to...
The patient experience movement grows up
The service user experience improvement movement is well under-way in the NHS in England. It was born around the time that methods such as experience based co-design were first talked about being used in a health setting. The early years were spent establishing the...