Providing The Support You Need …
Our aim is to provide everything you need for your programme, event or service improvement activity to be a success.
We can help you with:
Programme Management

We have helped national organisations such as NHS England, Macmillan Cancer and local Clinical Commissioning Groups, Academic Health Science Networks, Health Education England, Universities and charities.
We often work in partnership with other agencies, if you need a bit of extra support or expertise please get in touch.
Digital Exclusion
Covid-19 has changed the way people access services and accelerated a move to virtual and remote models of care.
We helped National Voices and NHS England and NHS Improvement to understand how virtual services can adapt to meet the full range of clinical, emotional, and practical needs of people at risk of exclusion and address the barriers to access and use confronting some groups.
The voluntary sector all over the country has played a huge role in meeting local community need over the last year. Many organisations have rapidly developed new partnerships and found creative ways to meet new needs and keep people well.
Through our research we found many inspiring examples of local innovations and produced a range of materials.
Case Study: RM Partners Cancer Vanguard.
We created a service specification and competitive process to find the right supplier and supported the launch and management of the system.
Case Study: Health Innovation Network
We recruited the groups to steer the programme, ran a crowd-sourcing exercise (with Clever Together), listening sessions with people with dementia and their carers and then shared and tested the identified themes and challenges at an interactive workshop. Groups then pitched the programme ideas and prioritised potential initiatives.
NHS England London - Mental Health Safety Support Materials including Podcasts:
We worked with the team to produce a range of support materials for families and staff following mental health related homicide. Although extremely rare, these incidents have far-reaching impact, and everyone involved needs care and support. We researched and wrote the content for the materials, interviewed experts and people who had experience of this kind of incident and ran a co-design event. To complement the written work, we worked with Jane Whyatt to produce a series of podcasts that highlight the perspectives of all those involved – families of victims, families of alleged perpetrators, staff and independent inspectors.
HIN Vision and Values:
The Health Innovation Network wanted to re-visit their vision. We ran a series of creative workshops with staff to co-create the vision and explore what values would be needed to make this vision a reality. This was then supported by further activity to identify the behaviours that would be expected and how to support people to live them.
Service Improvement

In addition we help organisations to co-design with staff and service users.
Case Study: Imperial College Health Partners (ICHP)
We interviewed a range of people – patients, clinicians, managers, commissioners, volunteers and improvement experts – to identify the opportunities and challenges. We developed an interactive guide, based on national and international best practice in participation and co-design. The payment of volunteers was considered and guidance developed.
Case Study: Health Innovation Network
The Catheter Care Project sought to empower both patients and professionals to question current practices, improve knowledge and reduce stigma associated with catheters. We worked with Age UK to develop patient and health professional materials including an animation and Magneto Films to create a portfolio of films describing the challenges with delivering safe catheter care.
In 2018 we supported a group of US Hospitals with Experience Based Co-Design as part of Virtual Coaching for the IHI Faculty for the International Innovations Network Learning and Action Community:
Citizen's UK
We worked with Citizen’s UK to deliver a session on Community Organising, including: how people can get involved, effective ways to ensure diversity and inclusiveness, negotiation skills, how to build understanding and understand power in groups of people as part of change and storytelling skills.
Health Foundation Q Community - Communities of Practice Leadership Programme
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are groups of people who share a passion or a concern for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. HIN South London and the Health Foundation’s Q Network recognise the important role that CoPs can play in delivering patient-centred, coordinated, care. Both organisations are working in partnership to design and deliver an experiential learning programme to provide all the building blocks for successful Community of Practice leadership.
In 2019 Überology have supported the planning, facilitation and evaluation of a series one-day modules supported by co-consulting groups and reflective webinars.
Patient Experience and Participation Framework. FOUR MOMENTS, FOUR QUESTIONS.
We identified four moments when services users can add value to programmes and four questions teams can ask, wherever they are in the programme cycle. This helped the Experience Team at HIN with a FRAMEWORK for co-designing solutions and improving the experience of care — both for people who use services and those who work in the system.
This was supported by development of a POSTER and INDUCTION SLIDES.
Events & Networks

We can help you with:
- The design, marketing and delivery of conferences, workshops, seminars and co-design meetings.
- Design and development of leadership and learning programmes.
- Development of virtual and face-to-face networks.
- Event facilitation and leadership coaching.
Virtual Away Days
We have helped a number of organisations to set up and run virtual away days.
“We now have greater clarity on our purpose and direction of travel and have identified opportunities for interaction and collaboration between the various elements of our work. And it was fun!”
Harm to Self. Harm to Others.
We have been supporting NHS England and Improvement to plan a Young People’s Mental Health event to explore how can we help young people to feel and be safe in London.
Themes to include: co-designing services with young people, diversity, use of digital, improving mental health in schools, Colleges, Universities, youth violence, drugs and alcohol, self-harm and preventing suicide.
Case Study: NHS England
The events enabled families, police, health services, social care, voluntary sector and policy makers to come together and develop a shared vision and some practical changes that could happen quickly.
A mix of family stories, police and healthcare case-studies using film and photography enabled people to start to work in partnership to learn from these incidents.
This work continues with development of guidance for families and staff during independent investigations.
Case Study: Health Innovation Network – South London
- Experience Network Launch.
- Service-User Led Participation.
- Experience Based Co-Design.
- Think Global, Act Local.
- The secrets of storytelling.
- Schwartz Breakfast.
- We The Patients – the language of involvement.
- Social Prescribing
- Long Term Conditions
NHS England London - Suicide Prevention Event:
We worked with NHS England London to design and deliver an event focussing on preventing suicide in London. This involved extensive interviews and research to determine both the themes of the day and identify presenters who could share experiences and emerging practice. We managed the communications, including marketing, looked after over 100 delegates and managed the venue. On the day we facilitated and ran the group activities and workshops. People from across health and social care, police, voluntary sector, transport and charities joined us alongside service users and families.
Patient Flow Learning Series:
We co-facilitated a series of learning events on bed management and patient flow for the AHSN Network in partnership with acute trusts, NHS Digital, NHS England and NHS Improvement. Speakers at the forefront of patient flow shared best practice and participants were able to assess their bed management maturity alongside scenario testing and change management techniques.
Assessing and Managing Risk in Mental Health Event:
We researched the themes and recruited speakers and panel members to explore the relationship between mental illness and violent crime, the mental health of prisoners, and violence risk assessment, how patients can help shape safety and care planning, diversity in safety and care, emerging practice and policy changes and ways to reduce violence and aggression in wards.
Point of Care Foundation
We supported the Bespoke Foundations in Patient and Public Experience Programme for Dorset Integrated Care System (ICS) by co-facilitating sessions on: introducing patient experience, engagement and involvement, talking about change with patients and the population and effective facilitation in patient and public engagement and involvement.
Graduates Into Health
Delivery of a training session on Customer Focus for the Informatics and Technology (IM&T) Fast Track.
NHS Safety Collaborative Team (South London) Away Day
We interviewed the team members, planned and delivered a creative and fun session for team building and planning.
Research & Writing

The Dr Will Zoom You Now
The Doctor Will Zoom You Now was a rapid, qualitative research study designed to understand the patient experience of remote and virtual consultations during Covid-19. More details here.
Patient Noun Adjective.
COVID-19 has led to many cancellations and delays. We were asked by National Voices to explore the experience of waiting for care.
“This report has resulted in a new Clinical Communication Standard. Millions of people stand to benefit. It’s a small, but very significant victory given the extraordinarily difficult circumstances we find ourselves in, and something that gives me hope for the future.”
AHSN Network
We are currently helping the National AHSN Network Chief Officers to co-design and develop a strategy for patient and public involvement and coproduction.
Case Study: Transforming Health and Macmillan Cancer
NHS England and NHS Improvement London - Joint investigations:
Project brief was to develop a memorandum of understanding for how multiple agencies can work together to investigate serious incidents in mental health.
Following interviews with a range of stakeholders we designed and facilitated a workshop to bring together people (from across health, social care and local government) to explore how they respond to serious incidents, the experience of working across agencies in order to build a consensus about what would make a difference. Shared Principles and a Memorandum of Understanding, including Shared Principles was drafted based on these insights.
Membership Relationship Management
Health Innovation Network wanted to explore what the member offer is, how it is articulated and how best to develop these relationships. We carried out an analysis of existing activity, surveys and reports and interviewed a range of members. The final report included a range of insights and recommendations.